Every journey has a next step. Whether you know exactly what God is calling you to do or you need a little help knowing the direction He's leading you, we're here for you.
At Momentum Church, we believe we were designed to live life together! God said that it was "not good for man to be alone." Small groups are a group of 10-12 people meeting together to fellowship, to study God's Word, and to do life together!
Are you ready to join the mission of Momentum Church? We need your help if we are going to reach our community for Jesus!
Love kids? Serve in our Momentum Kids ministry!
Enjoy helping others? How about serving in our Food Pantry and Clothing Closet?
Like video, audio, music? Serve on our tech team!
Just want to help where you are needed? Then sign up below and we will have a team leader get in touch with you!